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Neck Pain Relief

What is neck pain?

Woman working with neck painOn a daily basis, your neck must perform the fundamental task of balancing and supporting your head for 24 hours; a part of your anatomy that weighs approximately 12lbs! Subsequently, if your spine is not functioning correctly in any way, this can disrupt the spinal bones in your neck, back, and shoulders, thereby causing neck pain alongside restricted neck and head mobility. These issues can significantly hinder the mental and physiological well-being and as such require care and attention.

What are the symptoms of neck pain?

Some of the most common symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Discomfort or soreness around your neck,
  • “referred” pain in other areas of your body such as your shoulders,
  • Reduced neck and head mobility,
  • Stiffness around your neck.

If you notice significant neck or shoulder pain that persists, it is highly recommended that you seek professional help.

How The Bio Mechanix can help

Many people who suffer from prolonged neck pain resort to painkillers. However, these are only temporary measures that do not target the primary cause of your neck pain. Fortunately, at The Bio Mechanix, we can prescribe a series of non-invasive healing methods that will actively target the source of your neck pain without resorting to surgery or drugs.

Using state of the art healthcare equipment such as electric treatment benches, scans and other forms of neuromusculoskeletal testing procedures, we can locate the primary cause of your neck pain. From here, we administer individually tailored chiropractic adjustments that will alleviate your pain and can help prevent your injury from resurfacing in future.

Furthermore, we recommend a course of sports massage treatments during your chiropractic care to bolster your healing process. Sports Massage helps provide long-term supportive care for your body to prevent further injury and to strengthen the muscles surrounding your afflicted area. We also offer acupuncture to help alleviate your symptoms.

The vast majority of all our clients agree that our care helps address the underlying problems of neck and shoulder complaints, while at the same time improving the muscular strength and mobility of their head and neck.

We Can Help

For more information on chiropractic care for your neck pain, why not call The Bio Mechanix today and begin to revitalise your health and wellbeing!


The Bio Mechanix | 020 7731 7640