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The Bio Mechanix Reviews

What Our Fulham Patients Say

At The Bio Mechanix we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.

Share your stories too! Click here to send us your feedback so that we can help to spread the word about the benefits of natural The Bio Mechanix care.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment contact us today.

Jeeda N.

The front desk is friendly, personable and extremely helpful. Doctor Sam was able to diagnose me in the first session, after having seen multiple chiropractors in the past that missed what he found. Ive only had 2 sessions and am already feeling a positive change!


Friendly staff and fantastic therapy sessions, the detailed advice and ability to diagnose and ease my pain really helped reassure me that I was in the right place. Highly recommended!

Melusine D.

The Polish receptionist was absolutely lovely, friendly and helpful and the Chiropractor (Richard) was great too, friendly, not lecturing or judging and very clear, explaining everything very patiently.

Jenny K.

Fantastic service from the moment I got on the phone to book an appointment through to seeing the chiropractor (Samuel). Feel like the practice goes the extra mile to ensure that patients understand the whole picture through educational videos, little interactive quizzes and great personal explanations. In my case, a breath of fresh air to talk about alternative treatments to try to help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. Samuel comes across as very knowledgeable in his chosen field and has a quiet confidence which inspires trust. Have been made very welcome by all the staff, including the three receptionists I have met.

Veronica B.

Absolutely amazing, lovely friendly staff. Very informative. I had so many misconceptions about what was causing my back pain. Thank you so much.

Fantastic Experience

My first experience at the clinic was fantastic. The staff were extremely welcoming and professional. James was thorough and informative in his treatment, providing me with confidence in finding a long term solution to my injuries. I will definitely recommend The Centre to others.

Well Worth It

“Fantastic practice and well worth it even at full price. Charlotte was friendly, thorough & firm which took me by surprise as I’m 6’2 & over 220lbs. For the first time in ages my back has felt loose and niggle free in a long time. Can’t wait for my next appt.”

Sarah O’Grady

SarahDear James,

I just wanted to thank you for getting my knee back into some sort of shape. You probably guessed that I was pretty determined to run the race New Year’s Day and here is proof that I did. That’s pretty much all down to you so thank you! I will now try to build myself muscle-wise and will probably see you again in half term.

I hope you have an excellent start to the year.

Kind regards,

Maitland Cook


Thank you very much indeed for your generous donation to Hope for Tomorrow and for supporting my modest efforts. It is a tribute to your skills that I was able to complete the 10 miles without mishap and no back pain on the day or since. I have raised over £7300 to date with more to come I hope, so I am pleased.

My best wishes to you, no doubt I will be in now summer is over for a few more sessions.

Sue Jenkinson

I had never been to a chiropractor before and was slightly skeptical! I watched the DVD before seeing Rob, his first question was ” You’ve watched the DVD, what do you think?” My response was “Too good to be true!” But I have been proved wrong already!! …

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At my first session I was unable to do a “snow angel”or lift my arms above my head until they meet. Not only was I able to do that movement after one session, but I have also enjoyed a much deeper sleep (although I never thought I slept badly!) and the pain I had in my shoulder has all but gone. And now I’m generally feeling good!! I would HIGHLY recommend Rob to anyone. I plan to keep going once my current treatment finishes, just for general well being … Go on … Give it a try!!

Keiko Yoshino Liotta

My strong back and neck pain have almost disappeared with only two sessions including consultation. I am so grateful to the efficient and helpful chiropractor and receptionist. Expecting a lot to the following sessions.

Kathleen Fraser

In the late 1990s I made an appointment with Rob to see if a Chiropractor could do anything to help me overcome the frequent migraines I was suffering from. I didn’t even know what a chiropractor was then, but by that point, I was at my wits end and feared I would have to quit my stockbroking job as it had become such a struggle to keep going on. The GP’s prescription drugs just knocked me out. I had tried everything from advice from GPs, to detox diets, allergy tests, a sinus operation and acupuncture. The first chiropractic adjustment resulted in an overwhelming sense of release around the back, neck and shoulders.

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After years of depending on prescription only painkillers, I no longer have anything other than paracetamol or ibuprofen for the occasional headache. I’ve been able to carry on working much more productively and happily thanks to Rob’s help. Some 15 years later I still see a Chiropractor once every month or two to re-align the spine and help manage the inevitable build up of tension which I get – probably mainly due to my very hectic lifestyle. I thank Rob for helping me turn my life round 15 years ago and would recommend him to anyone suffering from similar problems”

Mark Meredith

“On a brief personal note Rob, I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you have done for me on a health level. When I came to see you, I didn’t even know what chiropractor did, I just had a sore back and otherwise felt pretty normal. Apart from hiking, I hadn’t done an iota of exercise since school, and saw no reason to. Equally, I felt no need to see a doctor or get a check up about anything.

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Since seeing you, I have enrolled in boot camp; I do press-ups and the plank every alternate day; I’ve bought a rubber ball, I watch what I eat; I decided to get my moles looked at, and sure enough one is for the chop; I also decided to do something about my sweating – all this in a few short months having done NOTHING for nearly twenty years! If I can stop smoking too, well.., one step at a time!”

Mrs Portelli

It is a godsend to have Chelsea and Fulham Chiropractic Centre – it helps me with my pain control/management and keeps you going.

Ms Meshen Beymen

After a course of chiropractic adjustments, specific exercise and education, I am no longer in pain and I have better posture.

Amera Haider

Chiropractic has been my salvation. This genius of structural adjustment healing is the best keep secret in the medical world. To know that a few adjustments and movements can reduce discomfort/pain and improve function is mind-blowing and true. I had pain for 5 years however with chiropractic care, years of excruciating pain just disappeared. I was so lucky to find Rob and his team at The Bio Mechanix and have experienced the truly wonderful care from a great group of chiropractors.

Marie Zamudio

Marie Zamudio

For over 10 years Rob has a major contributor in maintaining my health. He is a great chiropractor.

Tony Bell

Tony Bell

Chiropractic has made my life allot more bearable in terms of any exertions that I may engage in, particularly lifting stage equipment, lighting and PA systems at my Blues Bar. Without Robs help, treatments and advice, my back would not be able to cope. I don’t suffer nearly as much. Chiropractic is my Back Saviour.

Amanda Grange

I have been too many different chiropractors and osteopaths, however I feel Rob understood my back and always been able to put it right. He has given me confidence to use my back again. He is always happy to discuss problems and points me in the right direction with simple advice and changes in the management of my back condition.


Rob manages to pin point the problem and in a few sessions the pain and stiffness eases. I originally saw Rob when I had pain in my neck and shoulder. The problem is now resolved. I go back whenever necessary and he gets me back in shape.



The Bio Mechanix Reviews | 020 7731 7640